Generating Deals For Our Agents

Leads are great. Transactions are better. We help generate both.

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We teach our agents to cook, but we'll bring the desert.

"Leads" are a buzz word in the industry. They are important. Even  more important though, is follow up. With out a follow up plan, your marketing plan is worthless. At Century 21 Beggins, we teach our agents how to hunt and find deals of their own. However, as a brokerage, we hunt too. Then we feed those leads to our agents to help supplement their business. We also give our agents the tools, technology and training needed to continue to build their pipelines and grow their businesses.

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What We Teach & Do Ourselves:

5 Pillars- How To Execute

Everything works. It's something we say all the time. You have to pick a niche and go all in. We help our agents to pick their niche, build a plan of attack, leverage our proven scripts, and hold them accountable. When you put blinders on and execute, the results are staggering.

Digital Marketing

Social ads work. Regardless of what headline you have read that says they don't. However, their is an art to how to properly target and build them out and we will teach you exactly how to leverage these platforms.  We even have some automated tools to help you execute and drive your own leads.

How To Engage Your Sphere

Your sphere is the lowest hanging fruit. They already know you, like you, and trust you. How you communicate with them is crucial. We will teach you proven strategies to connect with your sphere and how to become their go to resource for all things real estate.

Some Examples Of Our Lead Generation Training's

Customized Training- New & Experienced

Incubator- New Agents

When you are new to the business, it can be overwhelming. You have so many things to think about and worry about.  How should I get started? Where is my first deal going to come from? Can I eat this week? Did I use the right contract? etc. The way we teach our new agents to approach their business, is focus. We help them identify a niche that makes sense for them based on their personality and skill set.  As a new agent, we train daily and weekly to help you get your business off the ground. In start up culture, this is the incubator phase.  Once we establish your business and get you comfortable with your production, we will help you scale to the next level. It's 100% based on YOU and YOUR goals. This is where you move to the accelerator phase. 

Accelerator- Experienced Agents

As an experienced agent, it can also be overwhelming. However, for different reasons. When you get to the level of doing 1 deal a month consistently, scaling can be tricky. The jump from one deal a month, to two deals, is a bigger jump than many realize. You need to start taking a hard look at your support structure. Who's handling the lead gen? Who is handling the contracts/paperwork? Who does the MLS entry? Who is ensuring compliance? How are your leads being followed up with? Are you working your past clients like you should? This is just the tip of the iceberg. We work daily and weekly with our experienced agents to help them identify where they need the support and to help accelerate their business.

Customized Training- New & Experienced

Customized Training- New & Experienced

Incubator- New Agents

When you are new to the business, it can be overwhelming. You have so many things to think about and worry about.  How should I get started? Where is my first deal going to come from? Can I eat this week? Did I use the right contract? etc. The way we teach our new agents to approach their business, is focus. We help them identify a niche that makes sense for them based on their personality and skill set.  As a new agent, we train daily and weekly to help you get your business off the ground. In start up culture, this is the incubator phase.  Once we establish your business and get you comfortable with your production, we will help you scale to the next level. . 

Accelerator- Experienced Agents

As an experienced agent, it can also be overwhelming. However, for different reasons. When you get to the level of doing 1 deal a month consistently, scaling can be tricky. The jump from one deal a month, to two deals, is a bigger jump than many realize. You need to start taking a hard look at your support structure. Who's handling the lead gen? Who is handling the contracts/paperwork? Who does the MLS entry? Who is ensuring compliance? How are your leads being followed up with? Are you working your past clients like you should? This is just the tip of the iceberg. We work daily and weekly with our experienced agents to help them identify where they need the support and to help accelerate their business.

Incubator- New Agents

When you are new to the business, it can be overwhelming. You have so many things to think about and worry about.  How should I get started? Where is my first deal going to come from? Can I eat this week? Did I use the right contract? etc. The way we teach our new agents to approach their business, is focus. We help them identify a niche that makes sense for them based on their personality and skill set.  As a new agent, we train daily and weekly to help you get your business off the ground. In start up culture, this is the incubator phase.  Once we establish your business and get you comfortable with your production, we will help you scale to the next level. It's 100% based on YOU and YOUR goals. This is where you move to the accelerator phase. 

Accelerator- Experienced Agents

As an experienced agent, it can also be overwhelming. However, for different reasons. When you get to the level of doing 1 deal a month consistently, scaling can be tricky. The jump from one deal a month, to two deals, is a bigger jump than many realize. You need to start taking a hard look at your support structure. Who's handling the lead gen? Who is handling the contracts/paperwork? Who does the MLS entry? Who is ensuring compliance? How are your leads being followed up with? Are you working your past clients like you should? This is just the tip of the iceberg. We work daily and weekly with our experienced agents to help them identify where they need the support and to help accelerate their business.

Customized Training- New & Experienced

Customized Training- New & Experienced

Incubator- New Agents

When you are new to the business, it can be overwhelming. You have so many things to think about and worry about.  How should I get started? Where is my first deal going to come from? Can I eat this week? Did I use the right contract? etc. The way we teach our new agents to approach their business, is focus. We help them identify a niche that makes sense for them based on their personality and skill set.  As a new agent, we train daily and weekly to help you get your business off the ground. In start up culture, this is the incubator phase.  Once we establish your business and get you comfortable with your production, we will help you scale to the next level. It's 100% based on YOU and YOUR goals. This is where you move to the accelerator phase. 

Accelerator- Experienced Agents

As an experienced agent, it can also be overwhelming. However, for different reasons. When you get to the level of doing 1 deal a month consistently, scaling can be tricky. The jump from one deal a month, to two deals, is a bigger jump than many realize. You need to start taking a hard look at your support structure. Who's handling the lead gen? Who is handling the contracts/paperwork? Who does the MLS entry? Who is ensuring compliance? How are your leads being followed up with? Are you working your past clients like you should? This is just the tip of the iceberg. We work daily and weekly with our experienced agents to help them identify where they need the support and to help accelerate their business.

Incubator- New Agents

When you are new to the business, it can be overwhelming. You have so many things to think about and worry about.  How should I get started? Where is my first deal going to come from? Can I eat this week? Did I use the right contract? etc. The way we teach our new agents to approach their business, is focus. We help them identify a niche that makes sense for them based on their personality and skill set.  As a new agent, we train daily and weekly to help you get your business off the ground. In start up culture, this is the incubator phase.  Once we establish your business and get you comfortable with your production, we will help you scale to the next level. It's 100% based on YOU and YOUR goals. This is where you move to the accelerator phase. 

Accelerator- Experienced Agents

As an experienced agent, it can also be overwhelming. However, for different reasons. When you get to the level of doing 1 deal a month consistently, scaling can be tricky. The jump from one deal a month, to two deals, is a bigger jump than many realize. You need to start taking a hard look at your support structure. Who's handling the lead gen? Who is handling the contracts/paperwork? Who does the MLS entry? Who is ensuring compliance? How are your leads being followed up with? Are you working your past clients like you should? This is just the tip of the iceberg. We work daily and weekly with our experienced agents to help them identify where they need the support and to help accelerate their business.

Our Lead Generation Programs

  • OpCity- OpCity follows up on our leads as well as their own, gets them qualified and them sends them back to us. We then route them to our agents.
  • As a brokerage we participate in a large Zillow leads program that drives us warm leads to give out to our team.
  • Facebook and Instagram- We are constantly running FB and IG ads and then distributing those leads to our agents.
  • Cartus Program- Cartus is the worlds largest relocation company. We performed over 600 deals with them last year alone.
  • Social Ad Engine- A Realogy brand exclusive tool that allows us to advertise listings in under 3 minutes on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Adfenix- An enterprise level automated marketing tool that instantly builds demographically targeted audiences per listing and runs FB and IG ads to them.
  • New Developments- We currently have the exclusive sales rights on over 5 ground up development projects that create more opportunities for our agents.
  • Rent Any Home Program- This is a unique program where our client will buy nearly any home on the market and rent it back to a rental lead giving you more options.

FAQ's When It Comes To Leads

Do I have to pay a referral fee on the leads you give me?
How are the leads given out to the agents?
How many leads does the brokerage generate a month?
How are the leads routed to me?